Wednesday, October 20, 2010

APPLE BONJOUR 214.3.2 PORT TO Uclinux 2.4.29 for Coldfire m5272

If you read this, and find it useful or not, please leave a comment below. Thank you.

I don't usually post something non surveillance related, but I had to do the steps below and thought it was too painstaking to not share with the world. So here goes my post on how to port Apple's Bonjour service to uClinux. I just happened to be using a Coldfire 5272 processor, but I'm sure this is similar for other processors using uClinux:

Thanks to Rob Brown for his post on this subject back in 2007. This includes

some of his instructions mixed with my own instructions and experiences to

address the newer version of Apple's BONJOUR.

Step 1. Download the Bonjour for Posix package from the Apple site. Make sure

the Bonjour version matches 214.3.2. If the latest version is newer than

214.3.2, goto the archives and get the 214.3.2 version. If you'd rather port the

newer version than the steps below may not cover everything that is needed.

Step 2. Create an empty "mDNSResponder" directory and place that directory in

the same place as all the other Linux applications for your device. In my case

that directory was USR\SRC\C\.

Step 3. Copy only the following files from the Apple package (most are in the

POSIX source directory) into the empty mDNSResponder directory:

makefile (from template below)

Step 4. Copy the makefile template from below, then modify it (as well as any

parent makefiles) to accomadate your particular device and uclinux structure. As

a tip, take the other makefiles for your other device applications and look at

how they are created. You will likely have to change your paths for the OBJSDIR,


Step 5. Once you have your 'make' building without issues, and your image file

running on your device, you should be able to call 'mDNSResponder'from your

linux OS.

Step 6. Usage: From the linux command prompt on your device, call mDNSResponder.

Use the flags to customize the way that your device will be displayed on the

Bonjour client app or IE plugin. See example below:

mDNSResponder -n MyDEvice -t _http._tcp. -p 80 &

I included the line above in my linux /etc/RC file. This allows bonjour to begin

at startup and is called with the following flags.

-n = The name that will be displayed in the Bonjour client app or IE plugin
-t = This is the 'type' that Bonjour uses. This is important because the Bonjour

IE plugin only sees devices with the '_http._tcp.' type. Most printers use this

type. If you want your device to be seen with the IE plugin, use this type...not

the default type that mDNSResponder starts with.

-p = This is the port that Bonjour binds to. I did a bind to port 80 to allow me

to click on the name in the IE Plugin and pull up the configuration webpage on

my device. My device runs BOA webserver on port 80, so this allows me to

configure my device's IP without having to know what the IP is initially.

& = If you don't know linux, you need to add the '&' to make the process run in

the background. I tried using the flag to make mDNSResponder run as a deamon,

but it failed every time within my uclinux build, so this works well enough for

my application.

Usage: I start the IE Bonjour plugin ; power up my device and it appears as

'MyDevice' in the Bonjour window of IE. I then click on it to instantly take me

to the device's configuration page. I can then set the IP, view the IP, or

configure my device in whatever way I want. This is the end goal! Enjoy!

Hope this helps someone. Feel free to post questions and comments.

Cut and paste the text below to generate the makefile that goes into the

mDNSResponder folder above.

# makefile writen to produce mDNSResponder app for uClinux

OBJSDIR = ../../../build/user_obj
INCLUDEDIR = ../../include
SCRIPTDIR = ../../scripts

EXEC = mDNSResponder

OBJS = $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/mDNSPosix.o $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/GenLinkedList.o


OBJS += $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/DNSDigest.o $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/Responder.o


CFILES = mDNSPosix.c GenLinkedList.c mDNSUNP.c mDNS.c DNSCommon.c mDNSDebug.c

uDNS.c DNSDigest.c Responder.c PlatformCommon.c

CFLAGS += -DPID_FILE=\"/var/run/\"

CFLAGS += -Wall

$(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/%.o : %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

all: $(EXEC)

$(EXEC): $(OBJS)


-rm -f $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/$(EXEC) $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/*.elf

$(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/*.gdb $(OBJSDIR)/$(EXEC)/*.o